Service Agreement Forms: Both parents or applicants, that is the resident parent and non-resident parent are required to each complete a Family Contact Service Agreement.
Referral Form: A Referral Form requires completion and signatures by both parents. One parent may complete the agreed details then send on to the other parent to sight and sign through whatever means is appropriate and this may be directly or via Solicitors.
Intake Fee: Payment for intake is required at the time the forms are submitted by the person/s nominated as financially responsible for the Contact Visits. Fee information is included in the Information Pack.
When we have received the completed forms; a Service Agreement Forms per parent and the co-signed Referral Form and Intake payment, we will begin processing your request.
The Intake Officer will then contact both parents to conduct a phone interview. This interview will include confirming the agreed arrangement/s between the parents and answering questions the parents may have.
A confirmation email will be sent to each parent that will include a schedule of booked dates.
An invoice for the first service date will be provided to the nominated person/s identified as being financially responsible for the service.
Please note forms not filled out accurately by both parties and intake fee not paid at time of the forms being submitted will delay the intake process and the scheduling of the first visit.

DCJ and NGO (Non-government organisation) caseworkers / personnel are required to complete a Referral Form for their client and email to

Please don’t hesitate to contact us on 02 9873 3992, should you have any questions or require our assistance to complete the forms.
I am very pleased to let you know that your services are no longer required. The matter has been settled through FCA consent orders. Could you please pass on my sincere thanks to the supervisors for the respectful and professional way in which they conducted their role during the course of the FCA proceedings.
– Supervised Parent, Private Client